Call for Graduate Students and Postdocs to write CRT Letters and ToxWatch articles based on the 2021 ACS National Meeting – TOXI Sessions.
(ACS member rate meeting registration fees will be reimbursed.)
If selected, students/postdocs are required to write a short half to full page text or create a graphic on the following opportunities.
- Interview and write a Letter to the Editor (Chemical Research in Toxicology (CRT)) on one of three TOXI Award Speakers.
- Keynote Speaker – Patrick Breysse (Director, National Center Environmental Health),
- Founders Award – John Essigmann (Professor, MIT)
- CRT Young Investigator – Christie Sayes (Associate Professor, Baylor)
- Partner to write and submit a ToxWatch CRT article on one of three Thematic TOXI Symposia. (See example)
- Toxicants & Cellular Aging
- Thinking Outside the Well: Novel Assays in Drug Discovery & Development
- Harnessing the Microbiome for Disease Prevention & Therapy
Students/Postdocs will work with the Sessions Chairs to develop manuscripts for publication as Letters to the Editor or ToxWatch articles published in Chemical Research in Toxicology. TOXI Chair (Penny Beuning) and Vice-Chair (Michael Trakselis) will facilitate interviews with several of the speakers. This is a great chance to get to know some of this year’s TOXI speakers.
Those selected will also attend a Virtual Publishing Workshop facilitated by Editors of CRT during the ACS meeting. Tentatively scheduled for Wed 8/25 at 11am EST.
Requests are due July 31 and should include: your CV, preference for specific opportunity listed above, 1 paragraph on career goals and aspirations, and a short letter of support from your advisor stating their willingness to help with reviewing/editing your work.
Email applications to ACS-TOXI Vice Program Chair,
For those applications selected, your member (student or postdoc) Full Conference Registration Fee to the 2021 ACS Meeting will be reimbursed. Do not register for the meeting before hearing back about your application. At least 6-10 registration scholarships may be awarded.
This is a great opportunity to connect with and be a part of the Chemical Toxicology (TOXI) division of the ACS and the CRT author community.