Table of Contents
Message from Chair
Introduction of New Officers
Special Symposium (March 25)
Call for Nominations (Founder’s Award, ACS Fellows, Young Investigator)
Job Postings
Message from Chair
Happy New Year, TOXI members! We are pleased to announce the results of the recent elections and introduce new TOXI officers. Please join me in congratulating the winners and thanking them for being ready to give back to the Division!
Although the year 2021 posed serious challenges to all of us due to the continuing pandemic, our Division has been active, and we have a number of successes to report.
Under the leadership of Michael Trakselis, TOXI hosted the inaugural spring virtual symposium in March of 2021. The symposium featured three speakers (Rebecca Fry, Clementina Mesaros, and Kate Carroll who spoke in the area of Cellular Stress and Metabolism.
Our next event is the Special Virtual Symposium celebrating 35 years of Chemical Research in Toxicology to be held on March 25th, 2022, in honor of Prof. Larry Marnett, the CRT founding editor. You can register HERE.
Michal Stone (Vanderbilt) and Zucai Suo (Florida State) led the effort to accomplish divisional Strategic Planning and put together a new Strategic Plan during the Virtual Strategic Planning Retreat over the two weekends in June 2021. The main goals of our Strategic Plan are to
Consistently provide unique forums for overlapping and interdisciplinary science, Identify opportunities and provide continuing education, leadership training, and Promote the development and encourage the adoption of new tools for rigorous scientific assessment in chemical toxicology.
Many thanks to Mike Stone and Zucai Suo for chairing the committee, to Amber Hinkle and Larry Krannich from the American Chemical Society for facilitating the retreat, and to all the participants! If you are interested in helping with implementing the plans, please reach out to Mike Stone ( or Zucai Suo (
TOXI participated in the Fall 2021 meeting in Atlanta. The meeting was conducted in a hybrid format, and the poster session was held using Gather ( We have added panel discussions. Thanks to Penny Beuning and Michael Traskelis for organizing a great symposium!
To enhance diversity within the ACS TOXI division, we have established a mentoring program that is organized on the NIH National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) platform. This effort is led by Sarah Shuck, who secured an Innovative Program Grant form ACS. This platform provides a framework for mentor/mentee interactions, specifically providing guided prompts for conversation, resources for developing collaborative mentorship, and access to the NRMN mentoring network. We are currently accepting applications for mentors and mentees. The selected participants will receive support to attend the Fall ACS 2022 meeting. Feel free to reach out to Sarah ( to get involved with this effort.
Ujjal Sarkar (Cerevel) is spearheading the effort to create an India Chapter of the ACS Division of Chemical Toxicology. Yes – we are growing internationally! The Division secured funding for this project from the ACS Innovative Project Grants for Divisional Enhancement in the amount of $6,500. Please reach out to Ujjal at if you are interested in participating!
Last but not least, please recognize fellow scientists who have made major contributions in Chemical Toxicology with nominations as ACS fellows or as candidates for the TOXI Founders’ Award or the Chemical Research in Toxicology Young Investigator Award.
Introduction of New Officers
Congratulations to the Winners of the 2021 Election!
Special Symposium celebrating 35 years of Chemical Research in Toxicology
Please join us for the special virtual symposium in honor of Prof. Larry Marnett, CRT founding editor, on March 25th, 2022. You can register HERE.
Call for Nominations
Chemical Research in Toxicology Young Investigator Award
The award honors the contributions of an early-career individual who has had a major impact on research in chemical toxicology or a related field. The winner will be invited to lead a half-day conference session as part of the ACS Division of Chemical Toxicology program at ACS Fall 2022. The session will include a lecture by the award winner and scientific presentations by the award winner’s choice of speakers. Please nominate a colleague or yourself HERE. The deadline is March 6, 2022.
Founders’ Award
The award is established in honor of the founders of the Division and recognizes scientists whose work exemplifies the founders’ vision of excellence in the field of chemical toxicology. Nominees should be members of the Division of Chemical Toxicology whose scientific activities have emphasized innovative research in the general field of chemical toxicology.
The Award consists of a plaque and the recipient will organize a Symposium at the American Chemical Society National Meeting. The symposium will culminate with the recipient presenting the Richard Loeppky Lecture.
Nominations are sought by the Awards Committee for the presentation at the following fall meeting of the American Chemical Society Meeting.
A nomination document should include:
- Nomination letter containing an evaluation of the nominee’s accomplishments and innovative research in Chemical Toxicology.
- The candidate’s CV with a list of publications and patents.
Nominations should be submitted as a single PDF file (Name the PDF file with the candidate’s name, for example, LawrenceMarnett_FoundersNomination.pdf).
Send nominations to Amanda Bryant-Friedrich at . The deadline is March 11, 2022.
ACS Fellows
The American Chemical Society (ACS) Fellows Program was created by the ACS Board of Directors in December 2008 to recognize members of ACS for outstanding achievements in and contributions to science, the profession, and the Society. TOXI is entitled to nominate four individuals.
A nomination document should include:
- Nomination letter containing an evaluation of the nominee’s accomplishments, scientific and service to the American Chemical Society.
- The candidate’s CV with a list of publications and patents
Nominations should be submitted as a single PDF file (Name the PDF file with candidate’s name, for example, LawrenceMarnett_ACSFellow.pdf)
Send nominations to Amanda Bryant-Friedrich at The deadline is March 11, 2022.
Job Postings
Summer Internship Program at Cerevel