Join the Division of Chemical Toxicology
Interact with over 1,300 fellow scientists bound by a strong interest in Chemical Toxicology.
Elevate your professional profile. Our division is small enough for you to make an immediate impact.
Keep up with the latest research in our profession.
Present papers at Division sponsored meetings.
- We have a special mini-symposia that feature post-doc and graduate students.
- At our National meeting, post-docs and graduate students’ poster and oral presentations are evaluated and the best receive awards which include monetary prizes.
Receive the regular Newsletters with information about
- Divisional and joint programs at National ACS Meetings
- Programs at other topical meetings of interest
- Invitation to present papers/posters at these meeting
- Information about Student Travel Awards to the National Meeting
Any scientist or science student can join the Division of Chemical Toxicology.
There are three categories of membership
Regular members are ACS members and can hold office.
Society Affiliates are for individuals who are non-scientists, but whose occupation directly concerns the practice of chemical science.
Student Members are individuals actively working toward a degree (undergraduate or graduate) in chemical science.
The membership fee is $25 with the reduced fee of $5 for students and postdocs.
First-time ACS members receive a free one-year membership in TOXI.