Founders Award

Purpose.   The award was established in honor of the founders of the Division and recognizes scientists whose work exemplifies the founders’ vision of excellence in the field of chemical toxicology. Nominees should be members of the Division of Chemical Toxicology whose scientific activities have emphasized innovative research in the general field of chemical toxicology.

Nature.  The Award consists of a plaque and the recipient will organize a Symposium at the American Chemical Society National Meeting.  The symposium will culminate with the recipient presenting the Richard Loeppky Lecture.

Dick Loeppky
Dick Loeppky

The Richard Loeppky Lecture.  Richard Loeppky began studying nitrosamine chemistry in the mid-1960s.  In the ensuing decades, Loeppky’s group used the tools of mechanistic chemistry to shed light on carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds. His work centered on the definition of the bioactivation pathways of environmental and metabolically generated ß-oxidized nitrosamines and the exploration of new nitrosation mechanisms for the generation of endogenous and exogenous nitrosamines.

Loeppky’s research in the field of nitrosamine carcinogenesis led to his central role in conceiving and establishing the Division of Chemical Toxicology. In the early 1990s, he and others recognized that there was no appropriate venue for the presentation of work in this field.  This led to the idea that chemical toxicology could be represented by a new division of ACS.  Loeppky’s dedication to the cause was substantial. He was instrumental in developing a petition, recruiting a leadership group, and, most importantly, obtaining permission from various ACS committees and individuals to mount a drive for a new division. He also secured the approval of the existing ACS divisions and the ACS president. The division was granted probationary status and presented its first program at the Orlando meeting of the ACS in August 1996.

With this Lecture, we honor the creativity, enthusiasm, and work of Richard Loeppky.

History. The award was established in 2008 by the Executive Committee of the Division of Chemical Toxicology.  The past winners are listed below.

2008: Lawrence J  Marnett

2009:  Stephen S Hecht

2010:  Richard Loeppky

2011 F. Peter Guengerich

2012:  Thomas Baillie

2013:  Steve Tannenbaum

2014:  Paul Hollenberg

2015:  Arthur Grollman

2016:  Nicholas Geacintov and Suse Broyde

2017: Ian Blair

2018: Judy Bolton

2019: Trevor Penning

2020: Pete Dedon

2021: John Essigman


Rules of Eligibility.  The awardee will be a member of the Division of Chemical Toxicology.

Nominations.  Nominations are sought by the Awards Committee each fall for the presentation at the following fall meeting of the American Chemical Society Meeting.

A nomination document should include:

  1. Nomination letter containing an evaluation of the nominee’s accomplishments, innovative research into Chemical Toxicology.
  2. The candidate’s CV with a list of publications and patents.

Nominations should be submitted as a single PDF file (Name the PDF file with candidate’s name, for example: LawrenceMarnett_FoundersNomination.pdf)