Drug Design and Delivery Webinar Series

The TOXI division has been awarded an Innovative Program Grant from ACS to conduct a series of webinars on innovative technologies to understand and predict drug toxicity. Dr. Kaushik Mitra has spearheaded the process. Last year, two excellent webinars focused on mitigating drug-Induced liver injury as part of the 2020 Drug Design and Delivery Symposium. The webinar recordings can be found at https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/acs-webinars/collections/2020-drug-design.html. The upcoming webinars will focus on cutting-edge tools to predict toxicity. Please stay tuned for updates.


The Chemical Research in Toxicology Award annually recognizes the significant contributions of an early-career individual who has had a major impact on research in chemical toxicology or a related field. The winner will be invited to lead a half-day conference session as part of the ACS Division of Chemical Toxicology program at ACS Fall 2021. The session will include a lecture by the award winner and scientific presentations by the award winner’s choice of speakers.

The Winner will Receive:

  • An award plaque
  • An honorarium of US $3,000
  • Up to US $1,500 in travel and accommodations funding to attend and present at the ACS Fall 2021

Nominate a colleague