TOXI Travel Awards to ACS Meeting

The Division of Chemical Toxicology sponsors travel awards for Students and Post-docs who present abstracts in the TOXI program at the National ACS Meeting. The number of awards and their amount is contingent on available funding.

To apply send an email with the subject line “TOXI travel grant application” with a single pdf file containing:

  1. A nomination letter from the faculty advisor or laboratory director. The letter should explain why Travel Assistance Award funds are needed.
  2. A curriculum vitae for the applicant, no more than 2 pages in length.
  3. Your abstract submitted to the meeting, including whether you plan to attend in person or remotely.

The file should be named:  LastName_TOXI_Travel.pdf, in which LastName is your last name, and send to:

Applications are due July 10, 2021